Cha-Ching! Tax Stimulus Refund Arrives

Cha-Ching! Tax Stimulus Refund Arrives

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Gov’t Rebate CheckSo last night I went to the IRS website and played with their new “Where’s My Refund?” script.

As is common for the IRS website, in my experience, it crapped out and didn’t tell me anything.

Seems most government sites have this problem — you know, a nifty calculator or pay online option where you enter all of your information, click submit, wait a few seconds, and then get an Error 500 — Internal Server Error.

Anyway, last night, the “Where’s my Refund?” script said my SSN and number of exemptions from my 1040 didn’t match their records…

Um, hello? Yes they do — my 1040 is right in front of me.

Anyway, I was out of luck.

This morning, though, I find myself $1200 richer. Thanks America.


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