A Fond Farewell to Paper Transacations…

A Fond Farewell to Paper Transacations…

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Personal Checks WrittenIt only took a decade of banking online, but it appears that “paper” transactions are a thing of the past.

For me, anyway…

See, I always considered myself a check writer. I actually enjoyed sitting down each month (or week?) to pay the bills; writing check after check and finishing each one off with a crazy-cool signature…

If I happened to win something on eBay, yep, I’d write a check.

Last night, I wrote my very first check of 2009.

It hurt my hand to write that much.

Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration but it’d been over a month since I’d written my last check — the one that paid the lawn care service to pick up our leaves.

When it comes to eBay, I won’t even bid if the seller doesn’t accept PayPal. If it’s not all electronic and nearly instantaneous, well, never mind…

But it became apparent last year that the likelihood of having to EVER buy another 1000 checks is pretty slim.

Fact is, e-bills and online transactions have made them, well, made them like record players. I’d bet that kids born today will never, in their entire life, have to write a personal check.

Anyhow, for the record, the chart over there displays how my check usage has progressed and recessed over the past thirteen years.

Pretty crazy how quickly it fell off.

Apparently I “peaked” in 2005.

Two car payments, 10 or so credit cards on the go, a few personal loans, and all of the other household bills will do that

And I should really make mention of all of the money that I’m now saving in postage, though, I can’t claim to have ever kept track of stuff like that — but just for fun, if every check in 2005 had gone out in its own envelope (a likely scenario), and postage was $0.39, well, that adds up to $69.03…

Hmmm… That’s not as impressive as I’d hoped…

Have I ever mentioned what a bargain snail mail is?


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