Net Worth Update: June 2010 (-$685)

Net Worth Update: June 2010 (-$685)

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Well, with the market taking a tumble for three or four weeks in a row, I kinda knew the cards were stacked against me pulling out another positive month.

I kept my spending in check (I’ll report that later) in May but it just wasn’t enough to overcome the swing in the market.

Here’s the breakdown:

Everything is going here to build up a sum large enough to make payments to the contractor that’ll be renovating roughtly 650 square feet of our home.

Hmmmm… Think the uptick in the cash has something to do with the downturn here? Yep — it does. I moved a few thousand dollars around.

Gov’t Bonds:
No additions this month, just pure interest.

Ouch. Nothing quite like losing over 5% in a short period of time. Doesn’t matter in the long run though…

No change — but that’ll change next month when I use the results of the recent appraisal to calculate this number.

Auto 1 & Auto 2:
What a load of crap these numbers are… Seriously, a jump of this size makes no sense. No sense at all. Even still — yeah, I’d “buy” my BMW for $5925 any day of the week.

Credit Cards:
An over-payment resulted in a positive balance on one of my credit cards. Weird, after a year of holding steady at zero I’m some how managed to have a credit for two consecutive months.

Auto Loans and Other Loans:
Zilch. Zero. Nada.

With the possible re-fi still looming, I took a major step back here. Still made extra payments but not of the size I’m used to.


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