Half Way Home on the Auto Loan

Half Way Home on the Auto Loan

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'64 VW Bus

End in SightJust ten weeks ago, when I embarked on a very aggressive payment plan, I still owed $11099 on the Swagger Wagon loan.

Today, my balance is $5410, putting me just a little beyond the half way point.

I’m ecstatic.

It certainly hasn’t been as cut and dry as I’d originally thought it would be as I’ve run out of money a couple of times and gotten dinged with maintenance fees for dipping below the minimum balance threshold on my checking account.

I’m also a little surprised that I’ve only been able to make a handful of extra payments so far (on top of the already scheduled “extra” payments).

I guess my debt paying skills have grown rusty. Hmph.

But that said, I’m just now coming upon a remaining balance where I can apply my “red zone finances” method of ridding debt.

Now, with the end in sight, I’m sure I’ll be able to “scrounge” up a few bucks here and there to get me to the end point sooner.

Can’t wait to rid myself of the $444.15 monthly payment, freeing that up for use elsewhere in my unwritten budget, and, once again, own all of my cars free and clear again.


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