Spending Report for March 2009

Spending Report for March 2009

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For some reason, I'm really into alligators lately...Last month I followed Debt Destroyer‘s lead and listed out all of my monthly expenses.

I found it to be a pretty good exercise and it opened my eyes to a few holes that I still have in the my grand scheme to reach my financial goals so I’m going to do it again.

Now, it may not quite be the end of March just yet but I don’t have any expenses looming in the next couple of days so these numbers will be accurate.

I should also say that after last month’s $4133 total, I said that I’d try to keep my expenses under $2500 this month.

That didn’t happen.

I’m not sure what I was thinking, actually…

Here’s what I spent my money on in March:

  • $1575.00 : Mortgage
  • $905.00 : Hockey Jerseys
  • $460.00 : Federal Tax
  • $305.01 : Business Expenses
  • $250.98 : Natural Gas
  • $135.87 : Electricity
  • $109.26 : Cable/Internet
  • $80.00 : Cash
  • $68.81 : Gas
  • $53.33 : Phone
  • $26.48 : Baby Stuff
  • $1.87 : Finance Charges (I’ll have something to say about this at a later date…)

That adds up to $3971.61.

An improvement over last month, yes, but certainly not something to be proud of.

I’m genuinely embarrassed by the hockey jersey expenditures. I can’t adequately justify it except to say that the last two months have been my last hurrah when it comes to this hobby of mine.

Once the big day arrives, I won’t be nearly as active in the hobby. Of that, I’m sure.

And if you’re keeping track at home, and I sincerely hope that you’re not, you might have noticed that my utility bills have started to fall… By next month, they’ll drop by another 50% or so. I love summer.

And you know, I think that $2500 limit is do-able for April.

I’m gonna try it.



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